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Page history last edited by Lenka Feckaninová 9 years, 6 months ago

Welcome to Lenka’s wiki


Hello, I am Lenka Mackova and this is my wiki workspace. I use it for various educational purposes and collaboration with my students and colleagues.



This is summer 2010 and me sitting in the gardens surrounding the Royal Pavilion Palace in Brighton, South England. I was on a two-week teachers’ course that was held in Canterbury, Kent.


I really enjoyed my time there, and the course and everyone was great. I met new friends and many interesting people. I was taught many useful skills and activities, which I would use in classes.


I hope you would enjoy and appreciate the opportunity to study English language online using this workspace and materials and exercises I would be providing throughout the academic year.


This workspace is updated regularly and accordingly to our needs. So, everyone should log in and check for new materials or homework assignments regularly.


I am always happy to answer your questions or queries.


Please feel free to email me to: lenka.teacher(at)gmail.com
































On the right-hand side of your screen, there is NAVIGATOR , which would help you to find everything you need for our classes. It is arranged according to the following categories: 


  1. Studying materials:
    • Culture
    • Grammar
    • Literature
    • Vocabulary
  2. Homework:

          Here, you can find instructions for your homework tasks, selecting your class.

          If you are asked to email your homework, send it to: projekty.feckaninova(at)gmail.com


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